Investor protection

We recommend reading Azvalor Asset Management SGIIC SA’s Regulation for Investor Protection, which regulates its Client Services activity as well as the claims and complaints procedure.

Once a claim has been lodged with Client Services, if a satisfactory response has not been received or if no response has been received within two months, the client may write to OFICINA DE ATENCIÓN AL INVERSOR DE LA CNMV [CNMV INVESTOR SERVICES OFFICE], at C/ Edison 4, 28006 Madrid.

Clients may present their claims or complaints in the first instance to the Azvalor Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. Client Services manager:

Juan Tassara Gil-Delgado

Tel. 91 737 44 40 Fax. 91 737 44 41
Paseo de la Castellana, 110
3ª planta – 28046 – Madrid

Change of MIFID category

Azvalor Asset Management SGIIC SA classifies all of its investors as “Retail Clients”, in accordance with the information provided in the investor registration and in compliance with the provisions of article 78 bis of Securities Market Law 24/1998 of 28 July, for the purposes of the underwriting of units of collective investment institutions that they carry out with our company.

Likewise, we advise you that, in accordance with the legislation in force, you may change the Mifid category and be considered a “Professional Client” if you wish, which would provide you with a lower degree of protection.