Azvalor PMs to offer value lessons through university course


Spanish value investing boutique Azvalor Asset Management is sending its portfolio managers back to university to provide a summer course for students interested in value investment.

Azvalor CEO and co-director of investments Álvaro Guzmán de Lázaro will deliver the course along with value investment veterans, including Javier Ruiz, investment director at Horos Asset Management and Alejandro Estebaranz, investment director at true value.

The course is being given at the Complutense University of Madrid. It will be taught to more than 90 university students who are keen to improve their knowledge of investment, economics and finance.

Commenting on the initiative, Beltran Parages, director of investor relations at Azvalor, said: ‘We are excited to host our Azvalor summer course at the prestigious Complutense University of Madrid.

‘This course marks the first of a number of initiatives Azvalor is planning on launching to help students seeking to expand their knowledge of value investing and we will announce more in due course.’

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